I posted a classified ad (hey, it was free) on a large message board teachers collect at (and collect they do — PR 8!). I wasn’t seriously expecting anyone to drill down two levels to get to my software, but hey, what could it have hurt? Plus some decent profile links will help the spiders find me. Well, not 2 hours later I got a letter from somebody. They needed a little handholding, so I handheld.
My Very First Customer Contact
Originally written: July 03, 2006
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Yahoo Advertising vs. Google Advertising
Yahoo is running a promotion where, if you pay a $5 deposit (which unlike Google’s is counted against your clicks) they’ll give you a $25 advertising credit. That is a real no brainer, so I signed up for it. And it was pretty immediately apparent why Google is kicking Yahoo’s hindquarters:
Must Not Get Blinded By The Trees…
Oh boy, how I have come to love and hate Google Analytics. Love, because it offers me incredible amounts of information about my business. Hate, because I can’t resist the urge to check it every five minutes during the business day (i.e. when I’m working the job that, oh, pays a salary). But its given me some preliminary stats which I’ll share with you all. Note that these are for approximately 48 hours during the weekend in summer, which is about as cruddy a time as you could possibly pick to meet my customers.