If you’re signed up for Google Sitemaps (aka Webmaster Console) you can now see backlinks to your website. This is useful as backlinks are SEO mana from heaven and you can spy on whether your marketing is having any effect. I took a quick glance at mine and while the overwhelming majority are either download sites or spam blogs (they search for bingo related keywords and link to them with the hope of getting Google to rank their casino site — I hate this), I can see a few mentions from actual customers or people who find my site useful. The Dolch sight word list, for example, got linked to by an elementary school.
Google (Finally) Lets You See Backlinks
Originally written: February 06, 2007
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Second Interview Up
Ben Yoskovitz of StartupSpark has posted his interview with me. “Bingo! Patrick McKenzie lays his cards on the table.” What can I say, that title warms me to the core of my bad-pun-loving soul. (You may not know this, but 37 states and the District of Columbia require loving bad puns as a prerequisite for getting a teaching certification.) This interview is largely focused on my experience as a uISV and thoughts on the field in general.
Lost Two Days
I was convinced when I woke up this morning that it was Wednesday, because yesterday was The Big Presentation and I had thought that was a Tuesday. Turns out today is Friday, because TBP was on Thursday. It went pretty well, incidentally, and my month of 12 to 16 hour days is now over. There is now a functional spam filter where there wasn’t before, and within the month it will be OSS for all the world to enjoy.