A friend of mine from high school is dropping by from tomorrow through next Saturday, and given that friends from high school do not routinely drop by Japanese rice fields, I will be showing her a good time rather than knocking a few articles off my to-write list. See you in a week!
Blogging Hiatus For A Week
Originally written: February 14, 2008
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Why I Don't Monetize This Blog
Does this blog earn money? Why doesn’t it have ads on it?* Why don’t I put affiliate links on all my mentions of products I’ve used successfully? I get these questions on a fairly regular basis, and thought I’d put up a post to answer them.
Quick Request
One of my customers has had issues on five (!) XP boxes installing Bingo Card Creator. That suggests to me either a problem customer or a borked executable, which has happened to me on GoDaddy in the past. Sales have been slow for the last 3-4 days, too, which means it is just possible it is happening, but it installs and runs fine on my Vista machine. Could anybody who runs XP quick install the free trial of Bingo Card Creator and tell me if you can successfully execute the program? If you see the main screen and the popup suggesting you check for updates to the program, you’re done.