I got inspired by a blog post from Panic, a Mac software company, and created myself a dashboard for the business, currently residing on a photo frame right on my desk. The full writeup is on my main site, including code if you want to use it.
Business Stats On A Photo Frame
Originally written: March 13, 2010
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Lesson from Madlibs Signup Fad: Do Your Own Tests
Periodically, news of an innovative, goofy, compelling, or compellingly goofy design decision will sweep across the Internets like wildfire. Most recently, this happened with a madlibs-looking lead generation form.
Stats Bug In A/Bingo v1.0.0 and earlier
Many thanks to Ivan for reporting this one: there is a significant bug in A/Bingo calculation of z-scores for versions 1.0.0 and earlier, which borks substantially all z-score calculations and in some cases can change whether A/B test results are reported as statistically significant or not.