Gabriel Weinberg, the entrepreneur behind the search engine Duck Duck Go interviewed me earlier today for his upcoming book on getting traction.  The video, which runs about an hour in length, is available here.

I always look for a summary of contents prior to committing myself to a video (since they’re so much longer than reading a post), so here you go:

  • An outline of Bingo Card Creator’s SEO strategy including…
  • using mini-sites
  • using widgets
  • using scalable content generation
  • My thoughts on conversion optimization
  • A/B testing
  • The multiplicative effect of improvements in your funnels.
  • A wee bit of “How do I do it all?” while previously being employed (outsource, automate, eliminate).
  • “How’d you end up in Japan, anyhow?”

In fact, I was so convinced that I’d rather read videos than watch them 99% of the time that I took the liberty of transcribing it, with Gabe’s permission.

Some links to things mentioned in the interview:

  • The Conversion Optimizer case study Google wrote about me.
  • A/Bingo, my OSS Rails A/B testing library.
  • Hacker News and the Business of Software boards, who are the smartest minds about online software businesses anywhere, and keep me sane.  (I went down to City Hall today and filled out a bunch of paperwork, and the clerk’s response on hearing I was a software developer was “Web applications?  Wow, you’re an iPhone developer?!”  sigh It is nice to have people who speak your language, and I don’t mean English.)
  • SEOMoz and SEOBook.  (P.S. I’m not sure if I adequately communicated this when speaking: both are great and I recommend them.)

In somewhat related news, I have an interview scheduled with Andrew Warner of for April 30th at 11:00 AM Pacific time.  Andrew tends to do his interviews live, so if you have any questions you want to ask, be sure to tune in to the live chat.  Andrew has told me that he hopes to focus on my business biography, so I assume there will be less technical/marketing/SEO content and more storytelling — it should be fun.

Speaking of which, it looks like he has Peldi from Balsamiq booked for April 28th.  I highly recommend all the uISVs in the audience watch that one — Peldi is near the top of our profession in every way, and quite generous with his insights.

I’m absolutely floored that I’m appearing on guest lists next to folks like the 37Signals crew or Eric Ries, who rank among some of the largest influences in how I run my business.  Crikey.  It is an honor.